HPC: Fueling the Future of Physics Research

Posted on February 24, 2015

High performance computing is changing the way physics research, including high energy physics research, is conducted. The power and speed of processors, coupled with the amount and speed of available memory, have greatly improved the way physicists do physics modeling and simulations.

We’ll be attending the American Physical Society annual meeting next week in San Antonio. If you’re going to be there, too, visit us in booth 732. We’d like to hear about your physics research projects.

We’re proud to have been a part of the revolution that is changing (for the better) the way physics research is conducted. We’ve built HPC clusters for physics researchers at:
• Indiana University
• University of Chicago
• University of Washington
• George Washington University

Are you part of the high performance computing revolution that is sweeping physics research? This year the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will begin colliding elements at the highest energies ever achieved in a particle accelerator. The data being collected will help physicists discover new particles and forces.

Let’s talk about how you can be part of such ground-breaking research through the power and speed of HPC processors, coupled with the amount and speed of available memory.


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