SC20’s exhibits are virtual this year, and you can visit them free of charge when you register here.
From the entire team at Advanced Clustering Technologies, we want to thank you for visiting our virtual booth at SC20, and for your interest in our custom, turn-key HPC solutions!
2020 has been a challenging year for conferences, and we want to make sure we provide you with everything we would have shared if we were face-to-face at SC20 in Atlanta.
Let’s Meet Virtually Face to Face. More than anything else, we miss the opportunity to meet with you in person this year! We would like to schedule a time to talk with you one-on-one. We would like to share what we know about the product roadmap for the new year. And we would really like to hear your plans for the future. Let’s set a time for a ZOOM chat or phone call before the end of the year. Use the form at right to select your preferred date and time.
Take a look at the latest HPC solutions we have to offer We pride ourselves on offering the best technologies to meet any need. There are a number of new HPC processors and GPU solutions on the roadmap for 2021. And there are implications for the datacenter. Let’s talk about those and what they might mean for your next HPC order.
Tour ClusterVisor, our new cluster management software tool Get a behind-the-scenes look at ClusterVisor, which makes it possible for you to manage your cluster from a simple web interface or, if you prefer, from the command line. Use this powerful tool to provision hardware, configure nodes, update the operating system and analyze all of the statistics.